The Future of Work: Why Remote Work is Here to Stay

The way we work has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years. The traditional office setting, once the norm for most professionals, is no longer the only option. Thanks to advancements in technology and a growing acceptance of flexible work arrangements, remote work has become a mainstream reality for many…

Remote Work Reality Check: Unraveling Media Myths and Embracing True Potential

Debunking the Myth: The Undeniable Success of Properly Implemented Remote Work Introduction The shift towards remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, marked a significant transformation in the global workforce. However, a narrative has emerged in the media suggesting a downturn in the effectiveness and popularity of remote work, often…

The New Era of Business Travel: Adapting to a Remote Work World

Introduction In the ever-evolving corporate world, the concept of business travel has undergone a significant transformation, especially with the increasing prevalence of remote work. This shift, often referred to as the Business Travel Transformation, is redefining the norms of corporate travel. A recent BBC Worklife article delves deep into this…


WeWork files for Chapter Eleven Protection

WeWork‘s has filled for Chapter Eleven protection, with a story that is a rollercoaster of modern entrepreneurship, a symphony of high highs and low lows. Born from a simple yet brilliant idea: give the growing army of freelancers, digital nomads, and startups a cool place to work that wasn’t their…


Portugal’s Visa Scheme: A Story of Misdirected Blame

Portugal, with its picturesque landscapes and amiable climate, has been a beacon for digital nomads worldwide. The original visa scheme furthered this allure, inviting tax-paying remote workers to contribute to the local economy. However, the recent concerns over rising living costs and a looming housing crisis have stirred debates, putting…